Government Will Have To Provide Evidence To Support Violation Of Charter Freedoms
Statement by Justice Centre Lawyer:
The condition that Pastor Coates effectively stop doing his job as a pastor by adhering to unscientific and unconstitutional public health restrictions should never have been imposed on him by the RCMP, or by the court.We look forward to appearing in court in May and demanding the government provide evidence that public health restrictions that violate the freedoms of religion, peaceful assembly, expression and association are scientific and are justifiable in a free and democratic country.
Government Will Have To Prove Restrictions
are scientific and are justifiable.
A single charge was left standing as the Pastor and the Justice Centre want this matter heard in court. The reason for this was explained:
Comment: I suspect it is only a matter of time before Dr. Henry will also have to appear in court to produce the scientific evidence to support her violation of Charter freedoms.
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