Hide your identity: a common accessory of bank robbers and other bad guys for years. Putting something over your nose and mouth, leaving only the eyes visible was a certain way of making identifying the bad guy.
Reinforces fear and need to be separate: seeing someone with their face concealed supports the narrative that we need to be afraid of getting sick by being too close to others.
Reduces our oxygen levels: a covering without a valve will not allow for the expelling of all the CO2 our body wants to get rid of.
Gives a false sense of security: given there is not one credible scientific source that proves a covering can trap a corona virus, if we think we are making ourselves 'safe' we are deluding ourselves.
They do signal compliance: it is a direct signal to those wishing to rule over us that we are willing to give up freedom for a sense of safety.
Discourages thoughtful conversation: when combined with distancing and even isolation this is one more effective means of keeping people from discussing among themselves what is happening in the world.
Absolutely needed for a good masquerade: a masquerade is described as: an action or appearance that is mere disguise or show
In 2015 the Nurses union in the province of Ontario went to arbitration over the issue of enforced wearing of masks. Last year the nurses in British Columbia did the same thing. In both cases they won their appeal to not be forced to wear a mask. One of the findings of the arbitrator after over a year of hearings was:
Experts testified that it was illogical to force healthy nurses to wear masks, and Hayes concluded the masks were not protecting patients or nurses from the flu.
"The sad part about it is it was giving our patients a false sense of security, and we knew that," said Haslam-Stroud.
From the lips of the best known adviser on the subject of masks
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