Canada to extend CERB payments

From a CP article:

The federal government is “working on a solution” to extend the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday (June 15).

The CERB pays out $500 per week (or $2,000 per month) for people who have lost their job or earn no more than $1,000 per four week period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit currently maxes out at 16 weeks and began on March 15, meaning it will run out for many on July 15.

Good or bad news for CANADA

The announcement that the federal government is looking to extend the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is either good news for Canada or bad news, depending on your viewpoint.

If you are facing homelessness and starvation because you no longer have the option of working to supply your needs, this is obviously good news at least for the short haul.

If however, you are in the camp looking for the way this government is planning to get the economy restarted and some form of normalcy to return to Canada, this is most discouraging.

It would seem the Trudeau government has no plans to get Canada back to work again, any time soon. Claiming the country can't get back to normal because of covid, simply is no longer credible. Saying the country can't get back to normal because of a complete lack of a plan in Ottawa is credible.
