Is The Covid Daily Death Count Drama Misleading?


As of May 26 BC had 161 Covid Deaths

While all life is precious (if you don't count infanticide and doctor assisted suicide) the total death toll in BC now stands at 161. The first death I believe was near the end of January in the province.

That means the total death toll of 161 averages out to about 40 deaths per month. We have come to hear Dr. Henry and Minister Dix nearly daily bringing us up to the minute numbers of new cases, recovered cases and deaths.

Tonight May 26 after reporting no new deaths Dr. Henry commented it made her happy to report and that the trend continues so that families will not have to deal with the lose of someone they love.

What about the thousands who have died not covid related??

Using the 2015 provincial stats (last year that is posted on the government website) during the four month period of Feb. - May a total of 11.539 deaths were recorded in British Columbia.

It would seem logical to assume the number of deaths this year would be about the same which makes you wonder how 161 deaths are getting so much airtime, while 11.000+ deaths get no airtime at all??

$10,000,000.00 to fund sexual assault victim help

On the same day another branch of government announced they are putting ten million dollars into organizations who help victims of sexual assault. It is noted that during these times of being shut-in that there are more cases of sexual assault and hence the need for more funding.

This is just one small example of why our approach to dealing with this virus may not have been the best route to take. Protecting the most vulnerable could be accomplished without destroying an economy and way of life that has taken decades to establish.

The idea a switch can just be flipped and all is back to normal is folly. Canada has been financially injured in a fashion that it will take years to recover, if even then.

Putting the future of an entire nation into the hands of a few medical doctors without the input of social scientists and economists will likely prove to be one of the greatest blunders in Canadian history.
