Confirmed Cases, Recovery and Deaths
Note: the above numbers are sorted by the total number of cases in reporting countries. Whether all nation's reporting is the same or can be relied upon is a question for another day. Variables in testing are significant based on protocols and medical infrastructure and data gathering ability in each nation. It may be assumed that Canada and the US have similar protocols and reporting methods in place. That said the US has led the globe in the number of tests being administered and they likely have a very robust reporting system in place.
Canadian Mortality Rate 7.5% United States Mortality Rate 6.0%
Canada and British Columbia covid - 19 cases
Whether each Canadian province has the same testing protocols and capacity in place is another question for another day. The above stats show a national mortality rate of 7.5% deaths nationally, and 5.8% provincially.
Tests and results by Province
The above shows the total number of tests and the results by Province. It shows the total number of tests administered and the number of tests that have not been processed (waiting for results) followed by the total number of people who are in hospital which includes the number in ICU, For example in BC there were 118,335 tests taken, of which all have been processed and at the time of this data there is a total of 51 people being treated in hospital of which 12 are in ICU.
All data is taken from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates: CANADA at 7:28AM 05/16/20.
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