Handling Of Covid-19 in Canada

Prime Minister Trudeau, Dr. T. Tam, 
Minister Hajdu, Minister Freeland

Covid-19 Timeline Dec. 2019 - Jan. 2020

The following is a timeline showing what Dr.T.Tam Canada's Chief Health Officer was telling Canadians about the Pandemic of Panic and Canada's slowly evolving approach to containing this health crisis.

The following quotes are gleaned from an excellent piece of journalism in the Edmonton Journal. They published a series in two parts, part 1 and part 2 earlier this year. That report is a complete chronicle whereas what follows is  a much condensed account of Dr.Tham's direction to the Canadian public.

The Key Canadian Leaders In The Covid-19 Crisis

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chief Public Health Officer Dr.TheresaTam, Minister of Health Ms Patty Hajdu, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freedland, are the leaders front and centre in the handling of this unprecedented disaster that has taken the world to it's economic knees more swiftly than any previous wars have done. The extent of the long term damage may take years to be fully felt.

Timeline of Canadian Covid - 19 Response

Nov. 17/19 First case of someone in China with Covid-19.

Dec. 7/19 First human to human transmission recorded.

Dec. 30/19 Chinese doctor warns fellow doctors of possible outbreak.

Dec. 31/19 Livestreaming from China being censored for keywords related to Covid-19

Dec. 31/19 Taiwan warns WHO (World Health Organization) 

Dec. 31/19 Health authorities in Wuhan declare no human to human transmission.

Jan.3/20 WHO reports China is dealing with cluster of cases in Wuhan.

Jan. 3 News organizations ordered not to report anything related to outbreak.

Jan. 3 South Korea brings in airport screening.

Jan. 7 China admits it has a new disease, Covid-19

Jan. 9 WHO advises against any travel or trade restrictions with China. China says virus does not transmit easily between people.

Jan. 9 Dr. Tam issues travel advice. Contact your health provider if you feel ill upon returning.

Jan. 11,12 China says not clear evidence virus passes easily from person to person.

Jan. 11 WHO Head, thanks China for keeping China and the world safe.

Jan. 13 first confirmed case in Thailand

Jan. 15 Japan reports first case.

Jan. 15 China disease agency says risk of sustained human to human transmission is low.

Jan. 15 WHO tweets no clear evidence of human to human transmission, no infections among healthcare workers.

Jan. 17 USA starts screening passengers from Wuhan

Jan. 19 Health Minister Hajdu told there is no clear evidence the virus is easily transmitted.

Jan. 20 Dr. Tam says doesn't believe we need panic or be overly concerned.

Jan 21 Taiwan puts in place screening and 14 day quarantine with phone tracking to ensure compliance.

Jan.22 Dr. Tam brings in much less onerous screening and calls for voluntary self isolation for 14 days. 

Jan. 22 For the first time WHO reports that human to human transmission is a fact.

Jan 23 Dr. Tam meets via teleconference with WHO members which excluded Taiwan (at China's insistence). They decide it is too early to declare a global public health emergency.

Jan. 24 WHO advises against any travel bans. It was later reported they did not want to move too fast because of the impact it would have on China and Asia's economy.

Jan. 24 WHO now says disease can be transmitted from human to human.

Jan. 25 Minister Hajdu says messaging on arrival screens advising travelers to inform a Border Services officer if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

Jan. 27 Canada confirms it's first case of covid-19 related to travel from Wuhan China.

Jan. 27 Minister Hadju says risk to Canadians remains low, when asked in Parliament

Jan. 29  Canada now has three cases and Dr. Tam says she is concerned reports of racism.

Jan. 29 PM Trudeau is asked about other countries stopping flights into and out of China, he responds the health risk to Canadians remains low.

Jan 29 Dr. Tam was asked about requiring all people returning from China to self isolate for 14 days regardless of symptoms. Dr. Tam said that voluntary self-isolation only if someone has symptoms.

Jan 29 Dr. Tam was asked about the disease being transmitted during the incubation period, she replied people with mild symptoms don't transmit very readily. In the coming months Dr Tam continued to resist mandatory quarantine as well as mass use of face masks in public.

Jan. 29 a MP queries Tam about quarantine of travelers from affected areas. Dr Tam continued to defend the strategy of leaving it up to the traveler to self isolate. She continued to downplay the risk in Canada. She also continued to not support travel bans.

Jan. 30 WHO declares global health emergency.

Jan. 31 in the House of Commons an MP notes WHO declaration of a global health emergency. Minister Hajdu says we are fortunate to have Dr. Tam as our Public Health Officer.

Jan. 31 Head of Border Services was asked about screening people coming into Canada from areas of China. He said his officers paid attention to people coming from Hubei province for signs of illness.He was asked if his officers had a list of the other 24 countries where the virus had spread, He replied, they had no such list.

Jan. 31 USA issues travel ban from China.
